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Teacher/Students Etiquette
Posted by LadySamba
8/30/2013  2:41:00 PM
I hope this is the right forum. I am desperately trying to get some advice form other ballroom dancers.

Isn't there a Code of Ethics for Ballroom Dance Instructors?

I was a student of a Male Ballroom Dance Instructor who solicited a large personal loan from me after only a few weeks of dance instruction. Unfortunately for me, I decided to loan him the money after listening to his story. Long story short, the loan was never paid back, I sued him, received a judgement against him in a court of law, and now the dance instructor decides to file for bankruptcy. This means that I have been taken advantage of by this dance instructor and I will never see my money again.

I am wanting to know if there is an organization where I can file a formal complaint against him. He does compete in many of the large national competitions. Should I file a complaint with these dance competition organizations? There has got to be a Code of Ethics that instructors must follow.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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